STRAITS GRAPES MARKETPLACE If you have grapes to sell for commercial or personal use, the Straits Grapes Marketplace is a space to make that virtual connection with interested buyers. Grape variety and quantity needs can be satisfied by meeting grape growers at the Straits Grapes Marketplace. Commercial and personal use wine makers, cider makers, distilled spirits producers, and even for those who may just want a few pounds of Northern Michigan grapes to make grape jelly, can explore the Straits Grapes Marketplace to fulfill their grape needs. |
When you create a grapes to sell posting, consider including the applicable detail shown below.
Grape Varieties | Quantity | projected harvest date / buyer harvest or seller harvest / U-Pick / location / Contact Info
Do not include grape pricing in your posting. Prices are determined directly between buyer and seller.
Remove your post when no longer needed.
(Note: Only SAGGA Members post Grapes For Sale)
PROMOTING VITICULTURE THROUGHOUT NORTHERN MICHIGAN. Straits Area Grape Growers Association is a 501(c)(5) non-profit organization supporting grape growers and vineyard owners throughout the Northern Lower Peninsula and Upper Peninsula of Michigan. |